
explore. what more of fitting #mantledmonday than "explore" for spring? can you believe spring is here? it seems like winter is one that drags on and we wait and wait for spring to get here, and then once it's here, what do we do?
let's go explore something new this season.
it could mean exploring outside, a park, a museum, a new place, a new shop, a new coffee place, your local gardening shop, or anywhere else physically.
or... it could mean go explore something.... internally. maybe there are some things that need to be "weeded" out of your life before you can start planting something new this spring? is there something you want to add into your life? is there something that first needs to be removed? explore that.
maybe explore this idea with a friend. and maybe you and this friend make it a "two birds one stone" and have a friends day. explore this new thing you want to add to this new season of your life, this thing you need to remove from this season of your life, all while exploring a new shop, coffee place, or gardening center with your friend. sounds like a lovely day!
if you're planning your friend day for saturday- you can swing in Mantled Home because this saturday is the ONE we will be open!
explore something new.

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